Grain or not too Grainy… Well I just tried some of Kodak’s Portra 800. Nice stuff I would have to say. It does not seem too grainy from my tastes, I kinda like it. I could shoot in really low light and hand hold. The film also works for everyday shooting.
urban landscape
To Dominical

Jungle Paradise Introduction to the Howler Monkeys (Monos Gongos) So Rocky Balboa, I had to ask him twice to be sure that in fact that was his real name. So now the seven of us were moving along at almost a snails pace through the mountains between San Isidro and Dominical. You see Rocky just […]
Biking for Views

Industrial Landscapes Continued I have been biking along North Columbia and connecting with the Columbia Slough trail. It is full of all sorts of industrial goodness and a plesant mix of nature. The city of Portland seems to excel at this mixture of green space within the city. I have taken my boys along this […]
- Fine Art
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Urban Landscapes Continued

Rolleiflex and Urban Landscapes I am continuing to explore my project of the urban Landscape. I have chose to use my Rolleiflex for these images. I just really love the medium format especially the great contrast and sharpness of the Schneider lens on my TLR. been I have found that the my Rolleiflex is well […]
Urban Landscapes

My Rollei and Urban Landscapes For the last several years when I need a quick get-a-way, I get on my motorcycle and ride what I call goin’ around the block. I take N. Columbia Boulevard and ’round back home. This small tour takes me past a very industrial area of Portland, OR. There is generally […]