Jungle Paradise Introduction to the Howler Monkeys (Monos Gongos)
So Rocky Balboa, I had to ask him twice to be sure that in fact that was his real name. So now the seven of us were moving along at almost a snails pace through the mountains between San Isidro and Dominical. You see Rocky just had new brakes installed on his mid 80’s Toyota van. He was taking it nice and easy for sure. I really think he was sweating it out and not trusting his mechanic the pads were not quite smoking but really smelled as if they were about to catch fire any minute. Rocky even stopped the car to get out and check the brakes, he spat on the calibers to see if they were hot. After this rudimentary check we forged onward.
We finally arrived in Dominical after Jord retrieved the directions from somewhere in the recesses of his pack I began to decipher and translate the directions simultaneously. The dirt road from the highway was easy the hard part was finding the road to the house. We finally arrived and what a cool place it was.
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