Old Car and an Old Camera How Fitting The other day I was running to Safeway, the neighborhood grocery store, to pick up something for the dinner menu. Parked in the lot with two spaces to the right was an old Chrysler DeSoto! They really do not make them like they used to. That auto […]
These are other musings that may or may not relate to photography.
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Around My Neighborhood in Black and White

I live in the Woodlawn neighborhood in NE Portland, OR. It is a neighborhood with a rich history and a checkered past. The neighborhood is going through significant changes. There are new businesses and lots of activity. Woodlawn Park is full of people playing soccer and families at the playground and activities like movies in […]
To Dominical

Jungle Paradise Introduction to the Howler Monkeys (Monos Gongos) So Rocky Balboa, I had to ask him twice to be sure that in fact that was his real name. So now the seven of us were moving along at almost a snails pace through the mountains between San Isidro and Dominical. You see Rocky just […]
The Fab 5+1 in Costa Rica

San Jose Leg One My brother Jordan won in a lottery a week stay in a house that sleeps 8 located in Dominical Costa Rica. Yeah I was in my wife suggested I go. Sure why not free time away from the family, a chance to take some amazing photographs, hang with my brothers and […]
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Newspace Center for Photography

Cool Developments at Newspace Center for Photography My first experience with Newspace was back in 2005. I displayed my series From the Shadows at Newspace back in May of 2005. It was a combined show with the artist Liz Haley. Newspace has grown considerably since 2005. The list of services include a host of classes to be taken, […]
Biking for Views

Industrial Landscapes Continued I have been biking along North Columbia and connecting with the Columbia Slough trail. It is full of all sorts of industrial goodness and a plesant mix of nature. The city of Portland seems to excel at this mixture of green space within the city. I have taken my boys along this […]
Wrestling with the Title

Industrial Landscape or Urban Landscape I have been wrestling with the proper title for the series of images that I have been shooting lately. I initially called them Urban Landscapes, however I felt like the images were more industrial than urban. As of now I am leaning toward Industrial.
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New Gallery Added Commercial

Just Added I have just added a new gallery page here. The gallery is a portfolio of some of my past work. Please enjoy!
Urban Landscapes

My Rollei and Urban Landscapes For the last several years when I need a quick get-a-way, I get on my motorcycle and ride what I call goin’ around the block. I take N. Columbia Boulevard and ’round back home. This small tour takes me past a very industrial area of Portland, OR. There is generally […]
Marin Montessori Donation

Looking up the Columbia Photograph I was asked again this year to donate to the Marin Montessori School. Last year I donated a print called Worst in Show. It was of a photograph of a motorcycle labeled “Worst in Show” at The One Motorcycle Show in Portland, OR in 2011. The Photo was a success […]