Rowan and the Azalia Leaf

Rowan and Azalia Leaf

Birthday Suit   Rowan on his 7th birthday wanted a suit. I have no idea why he wanted a suit, but he wanted one kept asking for one for a year. So we finally bought one for him and he loved it. So I figured that I would take a photo of him in front […]

Family Portrait Session

Lovely Family and Great Photos   Late last month I had the pleasure to photograph a wonderful family. The weather in Portland started to become rainy and we got lucky with a beautiful sunny weekend day to photograph. My client wanted some photos of her husband and her daughters in a casual environment. We used […]

More DIY Studio shots

Silas 10

Here are some photos shot recently with my son Collin and his friend Silas in my makeshift garage studio. I used my oldie but goodie Rolleiflex and my Leica M7, shooting with my preferred Kodak Tri-X  and Portra 400. Seems that I have a penchant for Kodak film.( Please Kodak do not go away!) I […]

Strange Things in the Water

26 Ghost

Photographing at Night One of the most enjoyable things about shooting long exposures are the unexpected results that may develop. There is also an added bonus when shooting film, because of the lag time. I feel like today with everything needing to be finished and done almost instantaneously it is refreshing having to wait and […]

Summer Portraits


Michigan was great to us. Our vacation this past August to Michigan was just amazing. I brought my Rolleiflex TLR (Twin Lens Reflex) along and shot some portraits in the backyard near my parents pool. The sun was setting and cast a golden glow onto all my subjects. I used a couple of strobes to […]